How does poverty affect the ability to live sustainably?
Someone tells you that you need to live more sustainably. That your actions are hurting the environment. That you are not thinking about the children. PLEASE GAWD! Won't someone think about the children??? But what does all of this mean and where should one start to live more sustainably? A quick Google search will give you the Oxford (2022) definition of sustainable as " able to be maintained at a certain rate or level," which we can apply to the resources we need to survive such as food and water. These days, in most towns and cities, a recycling bin is as common as a garbage can, so simple tasks like throwing your can or bottle into the proper bin should be pretty natural in 2022. Other sustainable options such as curbside recycling or public transit may also be an option for many, though not all. Although I am in full support of these simple everyday actions and other...